By Nordiq AB is responsible for the booking on this website.
These additional travel Terms and Conditions to SRF’s Terms and Conditions [1] are valid through By Nordiq AB, Box 163, 271 24 Ystad and you who by yourself or through another part make an agreement with the company according to what has been stated in the confirmation. The agreement applies to all kind of products where By Nordiq AB are the organizers unless otherwise stated.
If you book additional travel services for your trip or vacation via this link/links, your booking will not be considered a package trip according to (EU) 2015/2302. That means that By Nordiq AB will not be responsible for the execution of theese additional travel services. When experiencing any problem, please contact the suppier.
If you book additional travel services for your trip or vacation via this link/links no later than 24 hours after receipt of your booking confirmation from our company BN AB these travel services will however constitute a part of a linked travel arrangement. In that case BN AB has, in accordance with EU regulations, a refund insurance for services that cannot be carried out in case of insolvency on the part of BN AB. Note that this does not mean any refunds if the service provider should become insolvent.
More information about protection in the case of insolvency is available on:
The prices in the tariff are in Swedish Kronor unless otherwise stated. We are not liable for changes due to price and/or currency updates outside of our control after this date.
The purchase/booking is binding as soon as it is confirmed verbally or in writing by the vendor. These Terms and Conditions are valid from that moment on, regardless if you have paid the arrangement in full, partly or not at all.
If the products are booked by a distributor, different Terms of Booking and Payment might be applied. Please check the Terms and Conditions carefully.
You make the payment, according to the Terms and Conditions, online or by telephone at the time of the booking and only by credit card. To protect and encrypt your credit cards details as they enter our system we employ a “Secure Socket Layer”-technique (SSL).
Please observe that occasionally due to certain “Special Offers” there is no chance of reimbursement. Please make sure to check the pricing carefully before you go through with your booking.
Cancellation of your booking with 75% reimbursement can be made by telephone +46 454 501 23 or by email at the latest seven days before arrival and must always be approved by Mörrums Kronolaxfiske to be valid. NOTICE! Does not apply to Long term Permits. A cancellation made later than specified, or a defaulted cancellation, will not be reimbursed.
In the event of cancellation due to illness upon presentation of a medical certificate, 75% of the total amount will be refunded, applies to everything except Long-Term Permits.
Note! That for our courses and fishing packages, cancellations with a 75% refund can only be made via phone 0454 – 50123 or email no later than 30 days before the start date of the course or package and must always be confirmed by Mörrum Kronolaxfiske to be valid. In case of cancellation later than 30 days before the scheduled start date of the package or course, no refund will be issued.
By amendments through Call center, if possible according to the Terms and Conditions,
100 SEK/booking amendment is charged.
Potential complaints shall be presented to those responsible for the product, for example Director of Hotel/Golf course etc. or its delegate, as soon as possible. If rectification is not reached, contact By Nordiq by phone +46 411 558 725 or email [2].
Your right to refund is lost unless responsible for the product is notified immediately. Should you leave the accommodation, golf course or arrangement without giving the organizer a fair chance to solve the problem you’ll lose your right to be compensated. Any claim for compensation must be By Nordiq at hand at the latest 30 days after the journey’s end.
Through your payment you agree to the usage of personal data by By Nordiq and their partners. The purpose of this is to enable conventional customer administration, ensure that By Nordiq has access to reliable customer identification in case of emergency, meet the conditions for the cancellation insurance as well as administrate and manage possible personal injury situations.
The data can also be used to inform about insurance- and payment services as well as offers related to travel. The customer can also be contacted by for example email for market research and in the purpose of market research such as newsletters and leaflets. By booking online the customer will receive a confirmation by email plus a follow-up email with questions. The customer’s thoughts and answers are of great help for us. The answers of the questions are published statistically on different websites and become a resource for other travelers.
Your comments can be published anonymously on the web or in print. As a customer you can choose at any time to say no to dispatches per mail as well as unsubscribe from newsletters, this shall be done in writing to By Nordiq.
Personal data used includes name, address, social security number, phone number as well as email address. As a customer you have the right to once every year – after a written request – receive information free of charge regarding which personal data By Nordiq has registered about the customer and in what way these have been used. As a customer you also have the right to demand that inaccurate data is deleted.
For contact regarding your booking, amendments or cancellation:
Mörrums Kronolaxfiske
+46 454 50123 or [1]
Read more about Personuppgiftslagen (PUL) at Datainspektionen –